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Website Policy and Security


Website Usage Policy.


The information contained on this web site as well as information contained in any external link, is distributed, herein, with the understanding that this CPA is not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If financial, accounting, or legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent accounting or legal professional should be sought.


Privacy Policy


This site follows a privacy policy that is an extension of the same policy that applies to my firm services. That is:


I will never sell any proprietary information obtained through this site to any unaffiliated third-party.  Any proprietary information obtained through the contact-me interface of this site will only be used to contact you, as described herein, and will not be used for any other purpose. File transfers that are uploaded or downloaded are the property of the client only, and the retention or storage or eventual use and manipulation of that media and data obtained, represents an integral part of the agreed-upon services to be performed. As such, any file transfer is, in effect, subject to the various ethics standards applicable to me as a certified public accountant licensed in the State of Tennessee.


Scheduled and periodic deletion of files transferred using this site or any other medium or file transfer portal maintained by this firm is performed in accordance with firm policy.

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